Your Advisor

With 20+ years of experience in the world of general insurance, I’m pretty good when it comes to navigating the twists and turns of liability and property insurance and do my best to make the complex world of insurance simple and straightforward for you.

I hold a Level 5 qualification specialising in Liability Insurance, so whether you’re in need of advice for your business or just want to understand the nitty-gritty of your coverage, I’ve seen it all across a bunch of industries.

Primary disclosure information can be found here

Identifying Information

I'm a Liability Insurance Broker and go by the title of Financial Advisor as set by the FMA, and I'm giving advice on behalf of i2i Brokers Ltd  (i2i, we, our, us). My details are as follows:

Kirsty Young
FSP Number
P O Box 22005, Khandallah,

My services

I’m here to give you the lowdown on general insurance — both from New Zealand and overseas providers.

I won’t be diving into life, health, mortgage, trauma, key person, or shareholder protection insurance. That’s not my jam, and I like to stick to what I do best which is predominantly Liability insurance risks.


When it comes to domestic insurance, I can help you out only if we already have a commercial relationship. Otherwise, I’m all about making sure you’re covered in the right way based on what you’ve got, what you might need, and your goals.

When giving you advice, I’ll take into account:

  • The insurance products you already have
  • The ones you don’t have (but probably should)
  • Your budget and financial position
  • How much risk you’re willing to take
  • Any risk management strategies you might need to know about

If I recommend a change in any of your insurance products, I’ll walk you through the differences, so you know what you’re gaining (and what you might be leaving behind). 

I'm not restricted to using any particular insurer but will generally recommend insurance products from Insurers that I have a long standing relationship with as sometimes the negotiated terms are better.  

My Character

I do not have any criminal convictions, bankruptcies, or any disciplinary or regulatory issues hanging over me.  

I'm all clear on that front!


I don't charge fees to you for my initial advice but if you decide to go ahead with my advice and I arrange insurance for you, there might be a fee for helping with that process.

i2i Brokers Ltd receives a commission from the insurance provider I've placed your business with.  This applies when you take out a policy and when you renew your policy each year.

There are additional costs incurred if paying your insurance by credit card which is usually around 1.5 - 2% of the amount being paid. 

i2i Brokers does not earn or charge fees for this service.

Monthly instalments while handy for cash flow, are arranged and administered through a premium funding company. 

The cost of this facility will see interest and finance charges added to your total bill and this is shown on the premium funding company's finance agreement with you. 

i2i Brokers will receive 2% commission on the amount funded. 

Conflicts of Interest and Incentives

When we arrange insurance for you, the provider(s) may pay i2i Brokers Ltd a commission.

The amount of the commission varies between providers and products and is based on a percentage of the Company Premium and Natural Disaster premium (if applicable).

Typically the commissions range between 10-30% of the company premium for most insurance products, and commissions between 5%-10% of the Natural Disaster premium. 

There are no commissions earned (in whole or in part) from any Transaction Fees, Credit Card Fees, FENZ or NHI levies.



There are strictly no bonus commissions, over-riders or sales target incentives of any description received by me or i2i Brokers Ltd for placing business with insurers (whether locally or overseas)


Ongoing advice as your circumstances change

Your insurance policies should be reviewed as things change.  It's important to let me know of any changes to ensure the cover still meets your needs (see Your Side of the Bargain)

I like to check in with you every quarter to make sure everything’s running smoothly and to get the scoop on anything coming up.

It could be a quick email, a zoom, a brief phone call or a coffee and chat —totally up to you! The goal is to make it work for you, so I’ll follow your schedule and reach out as often (or as little) as you’d like. No stalking, I promise!


Making things better

I'm keen to understand my clients better and love hearing from you! If you’ve got any concerns or feedback on how I can improve, I'm all ears. 

I take every complaint seriously, whether it's something I can fix right away or something that might take a little more time. i2i Brokers Ltd regularly reviews all feedback to see how the company can make your experience with us even better down the road.

We’ve got a handy Complaints Guide to walk you through the process and let you know what to expect.  You can find it here or you can complete a Complaint Form here 

If we can’t quite agree on a fix, you can reach out to Financial Services Complaints Ltd (FSCL). They’re an independent, not-for-profit service that helps resolve disagreements, and it won’t cost you a thing.

Here’s how to get in touch with FSCL:

PO Box 5967
Wellington 6140
Phone: (04) 472 3725